Trek-ing Through Summer

The 10 district pilot of Trek in Tanzania continues, 68 vaccine distribution trips were monitored between June and July in the districts of Geita and Mwanza.

After conducting the first analysis to examine the trips utilizing Trek, we can glean some initial findings. While the data is preliminary, it does give us early insight and a small snapshot of temperature profiles for vaccine distribution trips in our pilot regions.

The number of trips was nearly evenly split between the two districts. Pilot participants provided feedback and after examining trip data, we see the need for vaccine temperature monitoring during transport in Tanzania. Throughout the regions we monitor in this pilot, the distribution trips frequently register temperature excursions, especially heat excursions. Interestingly enough, we found freezing excursions occur less often than expected based on data from studies in other countries.

Reviewing this initial data has sparked a number of new questions about the users, the project objectives, and what more the data can reveal and direct. Looking forward, Nexleaf is eager to discover more!