The Leaf Blog

Balancing Impact Reporting and Scientific Accuracy: A Nexleaf Conversation

This post is based on a real email conversation, but the numbers here have been changed. We believe this is an important conversation, and that the entire non-profit sector — as well as funders — might benefit from considering factors like the ones discussed below. Enjoy!

JESSE: As a data scientist, I sometimes struggle to strike a balance between stating our results with pure scientific rigor and communicating our impact in a way that’s easy to understand. The way we measure adoption, we’d need to be looking at ≥317 households in this cohort to be able to justify the decimal place in saying 91.1% for adoption.


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The Leaf: Stories of Data for Impact

Many times at Nexleaf, we’re asked if we focus on climate change, hardware design, or grassroots implementation. Our answer is we do all of this and more. The scope of our work is wide, and that’s because complex problems – like climate change or global health – require multi-dimensional solutions.

Our flagship technologies, StoveTrace and ColdTrace, are built for different sectors, but they serve a similar purpose. That’s because, while immunization and clean cooking seem so distinct from each other, the poorest 3 billion still lack access to these basic, yet life-saving, necessities. The technologies we develop gather data to reveal problems at the last mile, and with that data, we identify gaps in infrastructure, supply chains, and knowledge.

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